Just ok. 

Fall is here and it brings such a peaceful feeling with it. It’s like time slows down for me, I get to relax hang out on sundays in my pajamas with my messy haired kiddos 🙂 Sound pretty brilliant to me. It’s been so long since I’ve written on here. I’m not sure why this is, maybe because we all need time to just be. Or maybe the words just wouldn’t come. Maybe because I find this a place of comfort but I’ve been feeling so much comfort lately. Maybe it’s a little bit of all of those things. 

Everything has changed in my life, yet everything is the same. Our son lost both top teeth and bottom teeth. He’s about to be 7 & is smart as a whip. Flying through school with amazing colors. Our daughter has grown so much this past year. She’s busy and thoughtful. Loves her daddy so much. I got a new job that I love. Left a job that I was at for almost 11 years, it was very difficult, but I trusted my heart. I’ve been blasted with doctor visits due to a lymes illness. So they think! Even the seasons have changed. But I feel so lucky these days. So greatful for so much. It’s a blessing to watch these two kids grow into these two people I’m in owe of everyday. And my marriage it’s so full of love and happiness these days. Of understanding and pure enjoyment. Sometimes I worry I’ll lose it all. But I assume that’s my anxiety. And I try to take a deep breath and just remember how short life is. How so may people have opinions and that’s ok. How I’m allowed to be me. To allow life to be the way it is instead of controlling it. I try to focus on the blue fall sky, how truly amazing that color is and what kind of magic could have created it. We’re making bacon and pancakes this morning, drinking my umpteenth cup of coffee and just enjoying all the love I’m surrounded by today. I’m truly greatful! Hope your day is as wonderful as mine has begun ❤️

With love ❤️Stephie

This part. 

I’ve been so busy lately, but in a good way. The days are blurring together like a wet painting. They have been filled with love and laughter. Some days there are harder, muddier moments but still beautiful. I love how I’ve become such an easy spirit lately. I’m trying to actively think differently and navigate my stressors with open eyes. It’s helping – it’s not easy but it’s helping. 

Some days I get caught in the ‘negative banter’ of my mind, but it will kick back at me like an atm receipt with things like ‘gratitude list’ or ‘that won’t make you feel better’. It’s kind of like I’m silently stealing myself back😍 Although work has been so difficult that it causes my anxiety to escalate to its highest level, I’m able to tell myself the truth. I do my best, it’s all I’ve got. If I’m being lazy, I’m honest with myself about that also. I feel so connected to my kids (even when I’m freaking out about there mess), and to my husband because we’ve navigated through some rough turbulence recently. It feels so good today to just be alive and well. To have a job. To have healthy (messy) kids. I love these peaceful times. I’m full of life today.  Happy to be who I am today. I don’t know about tomorrow, but today, today I am happy

With love as always 

Stephie ❣

Where am I now

All night last night my anxiety pulsed through my body. Sometimes I imagine it like a electric current, riding my brain waves & jumping from limb to limb. It was hard to deal with. Since I’ve come off all anxiety meds I understood it would come back. The strangest part was that I recognized it as a part of me for the first time, ever!  I had been on Zoloft and Paxil, not at the same time but both meds took all anxiety away. Not a single sign of it for a year. On the other hand it made me feel deeply sad. I don’t know why, I couldn’t put my finger on it, but I knew that this was not me, so I came off it. The withdrawal was horrible. Brutal. 

Oh, there you are. Thank god your back, I’ve missed you, sorta – can I honestly allow this anxiety to be a part of how I normally feel? 

I said these things to myself yesterday. Through each sunami wave of electricity that would hit. I’ve gotten so use to this anxiety that it’s the ONLY way I know how to feel. Comfort for me comes with repitition. My anxiety has served me well for a long long time. It has held me accountable, kept my house clean, kept my gym routine on track, kept me able to tell myself the truth – no matter what. I read a quote once it said “you have to embrace who you are”. I repeat this to myself like a mantra on those days when I want out, when I don’t want to feel, shake, cry or even move. I tell myself ’embrace the feeling’. It helps.

This is progress for me. This anxiety I feel. Learning I’ve missed it, I’ve missed myself, and maybe some would say that I should try to learn life without it, but if my anxiety has helped me in many ways, and it’s companion in many ways, maybe now is the time to learn a little more about it. To embrace the thing, that is a large part of who I am as Stephanie. This is where I am. Learning labels don’t matter, that it’s all within us in our bones, who we are. Yesterday I truly realized with a glimmer of hope that it’s the fear in me that keeps me standing still, but if I embrace these things, truths, qualities within me maybe, just maybe I’ll learn to be me. To be ME😊 

With❤️ Steph

Also, the rest of that quote in my picture says ” forgive yourself for not knowing what you didn’t already learn” ☀️✨ 


I’ve been an utter maniac lately. There I’ve said it. Breatheeee. I have some very real and stressful situations happening in my life recently. Undeniable happenings I can’t hide from. Although I wish I could hide in my closet under my most pretty dressess insert:my happy place. But I can’t. Well I suppose to be more accurate we can’t. Hide from our unbearable bullshit that is such bullshit but truly unbearable. Sometimes I do things that make me cringe. Make me step back and go who the fuck are you? Beat the living shit out of myself because of so many things. I’ve been better at this though, slowing the banter and turning myself outward, and truly learning why I do the things I do. You can’t knock it until you’ve rocked it. So I’m rocking it lately. Steadying my mind. Finding a solution to my issues. To my very real issues. We all have stuff I prefer shit. That’s all ok though. As long as we own it. Always, own it. Someone said to me today “I don’t care what you did yesterday. What you did to yourself or to others months years ago, I care about today, right now!! We’re all worth it”. Such a true deep heartwarming truth he spoke. It’s true also which makes it all that much more greater. To me anyway. Elizabeth Gilbert once wrote “I don’t care how you find your happiness as long as you grab it and keep holding onto it until it gets you out from under the water. And even than we’re not safe. You always have to practice happiness” this to is soul aching true. I guess you have to let go of negative shit. Truly  let. It. Go! If it’s not bringing you up let it go. I’ve started taking pictures. Things that have meaning to me, or if something happens that moves me – I take a picture of something that is around me. I’m not sure why I’m doing this. But it feels good. So why not? I look forward to the day when silence doesn’t scare me so much. To the day I know how deep my love & strength is for myself. I can see it, almost like I’ve had it before. It’s like a sunny patch in the horizon after the storm, it’s coming, you can see it. I can feel it. So to my sweet maniac blonde self. You are ok, you are worth it, and sweet girl you are enough!! Happy Thursday lovies❣

With love as always, Stephanie

P.s I took this picture nearly 24 hours after a horrific day. Horrific. But I made it to that day. Although I didn’t want to smile. I did ….


Sometimes I wonder why I choose to write in here, sometimes I wonder if people read this that I work with or that I love dearly and if they judge me because of what I write. I would like to think that I don’t care much these days what people think of me, and most days I can feel how much I truly don’t care, but naturally I have pangs of anxiety. More so lately, I really feel strong & peaceful. Comfortable in my own skin. I really like that. So I guess I write here to remember where I’ve been, where I am and to slow down time a little. Speaking of time lately it’s been a lovely thing. Time and I made peace recently. See we just closed on our house and it took what seemed like half my life. But we’re in and have things hanging up and our coffee pot brewing at its normal 6am spot. It all feels so so so good. Deeply happy. I totally intend to dwell in this state of bliss as long as humanly possible. The house has a lake behind it, we like to call it lake Laforge. It makes me smile. I think I’ve regally found peace in many areas of my life right now. It’s been 2 months since I wrote a post about drinking. In those two months a lot has changed. Not just for me but also in my marriage, my home, my kids and well I cut my hair off! I will happily report though that I’ve moderately had a few drinks after my two month hiatus. I feel okay about it. I also feel like I’m not to crazy about the way alcohol makes me feel. And also I still see the happy, celebratory ok side of it. I truly do believe I have a dance with it though. I’ll leave that at that. Honestly because I want this post to be about how great my life has become because of the very true effort I’ve put into it. My husband said something to me the other day that made me laugh, he said “I guess shit has to hit the fan in order to change”. I liked the way he said this. Because it’s true and I knew it to be. As him and I navigate our way through our lives together,  I hope we do it sliding into home plate – safely of course. So let’s do a cheers with some great tea for now and to our new home!!

With love as always , Stephy

What if it was the end?

imageToday my husband & I took out two rambunctious kiddos out to eat at a local diner. We were all breathless & exhausted from telling them to sit, to lower their voices and say please & thank you when a tall skinny man with a belly so large it just couldn’t possibly belong to his face that was so incredibly frail and shrunken in. I stopped mid ‘child complaint’ and new, this man was facing a life threatening illness. My heart shrunk to the size of a pea for being such an ungrateful ass. I’m not sure what it was about this man, but I stared and when we would catch eyes I would shyly look away, because we both new why I was continuing to steal glances of him. My feelings caught me off guard because I’ve held people while they have died. I have known people for years before they die and have ‘wrapped’ the body after they do die. I wanted to go talk to this man, I wanted to know if he’s gone to grief counseling, I wanted to know what type of disease he had and if they’d exhausted all the options. I wanted to hug him like I have so many others who have had that deeply scared and earth moving look on their faces. Instead I watched, as his healthy wife and daughter chatted and he just looked out into the air. Surveying the room. Like he was picking things he might miss and in other moments  he looked like he wasn’t even in that seat in this diner. He had big blue eyes and a long nose. Probably was a very handsome and strong man at one time. 

Its strange how someone’s life can affect another’s without a word. Or even knowing eachother. I can’t imagine what this man is doing tonight on this bone cold January night in NY. It’s hard to always have perspective on our lives. Sometimes I think it’s even in good mental health to forget that some day it will all disappear. But to just enjoy the time. But for this man who’s has fastened himself onto my memory straight through dinner and into story time with my kiddos, he’s living with the knowledge of something I can’t grasp. I wonder what it is, the feeling he must feel, if it’s blinding beauty or soul shattering sadness. Or if it’s the 50/50 we all search for spiritually. I won’t ever know until I’m there. He’s left me wondering about him though. Questioning life and death. So, for him, I hope that any good dreams I have go to him, that any good, blessed, breath-of-fresh-air moments find there way to him. Actually, I pray this for him. I send up fervor rant prayer that the blue eyed man can feel some kind of peace tonight!

With live as always


Who gives a shit!

imageDo you give a shit what people think about you? I mean I understand that we can’t tell people to go screw off whenever we want to. I know we have to listen to some authority, and pay close attention to the people we love s feelings, but how about all the other souls of the world? I think for so long I have tried to make people like me, I have legitimately wondered if they like me or not. I don’t know though. It’s not like planes will fall out of the sky or the biggest earthquake will hit. So what’s the prob, Stephanie? It comes down to the value I have for myself. That’s the truth. It’s going to have to be 50/50 I tell myself, but I have this problem where I get stuck in the quick sand called.. Are you ready for this.. “Stephies shit” ! Ha. I know we all have our own shit. But somewhere along the way recently I noticed that I really let go of my value. I under priced this baby. See, to keep everyone else happy means to keep yourself unhappy. And, you might , ok who doesn’t know this, but for me I tell myself over and over but I don’t listen. Until today & more recently. I kinda like myself. The quirky, loner, reader, writer me. Being who we are is a privilege. Allowing   Ourself to be that person is well a beautiful thing. I can’t say that I have days where the bully inside me comes out and beats the shit of me, but I just CANT allow anyone else to do that. And although I know everyone won’t like me, I still try my damn hardest to be as kind and as understanding as humanly possible. But who really gives a shit? I’m not the same past person, and I won’t be the same tomorrow. But since I’m blogging my little heart out and laying my shit so bare lately I guess what I’m writing is that I don’t care anymore. It’s all about what’s inside us. What we dream. What we talk. What energy we spread. It’s not my long hair. New shoes. Or anything else material. It’s US. What we spread and give back every single day. I’m turning the page today. Chapter 1: Who really gives a shit. Happy Friday my friends.

with love as always, Stephy

imageSaturday morning I woke as a 32 year old. First day of my life as a 32 year old. I can’t figure it out as to why, but my thirty’s have really brought on some curve balls. If you will. Decisions in my career, in my personal life, in my family, in my health, in my family’s health I could go on and on. But I won’t because I am trying to say something here. I think what I am learning is that it’s not the over until it’s over. So why worry so much about it being over. I’m tired of being so worried and afraid all the time. Tired of feeling the need to be perfect I guess. Because I am not perfect and I am just simply ; ME! Whatever that is, the writer, reader, mother, friend, daughter , wife , nurse , gym junkie, sun junkie, coffee affair having – just Stephanie.. I am not sure how to follow the road of my life and balance all these other things I need to be. It’s not that I mind these other things, I just mind the spazzy me that’s trying to find the balance. When I turned thirty I was working the 3-11:30 shift and being attacked by a 6ft 100lb man who was slowly losing his mind (he was naked too) – but that’s right where I wanted to be the day I entered my 30’s. Where my comfort was, devoured in what I know am passionate and great at. I embraced it, hoping my 30’s would bring more comfort and embracing of who I am at my core. It has but yet it’s also stopped me in my tracks, left me bare with true reality that – I’m not getting any younger! That I’ve been waiting for my life to have deep meaning , but it already does. IT ALREADY DOES. Even if I tell myself that over and over it will sometimes slip away from me and I’ll have to reach out for that knowledge that my life is already very meaningful. Happiness is work. Sacrifice. And just plain ok to be happy. It’s good to do work on oneself but it’s not good to always think your not good enough. Because we are. So on my 32 birthday, I flew to FL with my family, with a new outlook on my marriage, new outlook on my habits and myself. So to today, tomorrow and right now, let’s make it a good one. Happy birthday to me!

With love as always



imageI worked 12 hours at my job yesterday! We delivered four babies and needless to say today I feel all kinds of emotions, including tired of course. When I got home hubby and I ran out to watch a movie. Since our kids are away we decided to take advantage. Which brings me here to this very silent moment laying on my couch drinking my coffee. I forgot how silent life can be without children. It’s so still, so clean, so nice. It’s strange how I now know the noisy chaotic side as well as the peaceful childless side to life, the thought makes me smile. I miss them already but am happy to have some silent time. It’s all so sea saw like to me. Life that is up and down – up and down. There is so much balance to living life. Like the good the bad, the silent the noise, the days of stress the moments of rest. I suppose one of the biggest things I’m learning recently is to truly allow yourself to dream and to follow those dreams. Staying centered and believing in your self. Those are hard for me but I always have to push for them… My job is so intense and stressful, but usually my home life is like that also. Only I love them! You gotta keep it moving, and sitting here in silence this morning on a gloriously sunny day I’m strictly thankful, for being alive and well, for my beautiful babies, for my still sleeping husband and to this silent, silent morning ☀️🌾

With love as always,

Stephanie xx


image                    I went for a run this morning in my neighborhood. I live on a large hill, probably like running on a treadmill with a full incline. It was somewhere around 8:10 am but the sun was already high in the sky, the air was heavy and the way the sun was cutting through the trees seemed like magic. When I got to the top of the hill and started to run down it was complete clarity that I saw. A slow morning on a hot summer Monday. Open road before me with sun and blue sky’s. And I thought when life gets all crazy and stuff these are the moments to hold onto. The freedom of everything negative in that moment really moved me. Sure things matter in life. We need money, jobs, yadda ya, but it’s nothing to lose sleep over. I know some situations for people seem endless and engulfing, but I truly believe in finding the clarity in it. Nothing is ever to much it’s, it’s just a space in time. That’s always changing. So here’s to running on hot sunny mornings and sometimes finding clarity along the way☀️ Happy Monday

love as per usual – Stephy