Where am I now

All night last night my anxiety pulsed through my body. Sometimes I imagine it like a electric current, riding my brain waves & jumping from limb to limb. It was hard to deal with. Since I’ve come off all anxiety meds I understood it would come back. The strangest part was that I recognized it as a part of me for the first time, ever!  I had been on Zoloft and Paxil, not at the same time but both meds took all anxiety away. Not a single sign of it for a year. On the other hand it made me feel deeply sad. I don’t know why, I couldn’t put my finger on it, but I knew that this was not me, so I came off it. The withdrawal was horrible. Brutal. 

Oh, there you are. Thank god your back, I’ve missed you, sorta – can I honestly allow this anxiety to be a part of how I normally feel? 

I said these things to myself yesterday. Through each sunami wave of electricity that would hit. I’ve gotten so use to this anxiety that it’s the ONLY way I know how to feel. Comfort for me comes with repitition. My anxiety has served me well for a long long time. It has held me accountable, kept my house clean, kept my gym routine on track, kept me able to tell myself the truth – no matter what. I read a quote once it said “you have to embrace who you are”. I repeat this to myself like a mantra on those days when I want out, when I don’t want to feel, shake, cry or even move. I tell myself ’embrace the feeling’. It helps.

This is progress for me. This anxiety I feel. Learning I’ve missed it, I’ve missed myself, and maybe some would say that I should try to learn life without it, but if my anxiety has helped me in many ways, and it’s companion in many ways, maybe now is the time to learn a little more about it. To embrace the thing, that is a large part of who I am as Stephanie. This is where I am. Learning labels don’t matter, that it’s all within us in our bones, who we are. Yesterday I truly realized with a glimmer of hope that it’s the fear in me that keeps me standing still, but if I embrace these things, truths, qualities within me maybe, just maybe I’ll learn to be me. To be ME😊 

With❤️ Steph

Also, the rest of that quote in my picture says ” forgive yourself for not knowing what you didn’t already learn” ☀️✨ 

One thought on “Where am I now

  1. This is really special. Learning to embrace your flaws, and discovering that even your flaws make you special and are worthy of keeping, because they are part of YOU. It’s really cool you are in the middle of having that revelation.
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